Sunday, May 10, 2009


We all should eat breakfast! Everybody knows that. But do we eat breakfast every day? I don't. Or I should say I didn't until recently. Now that I'm older and wiser, I'm trying to change my ways. LOL!!!!

We know that breakfast gets our day off to a good start. It furnishes our bodies with the fuel we need to do whatever we need to do, and it also gets our brains functioning! We make sure our children eat breakfast....why don't we do ourselves the same courtesy? Excuses, excuses: no time, late for the bus, no time, gotta get the kids to school, no time, early morning meeting at the office, no time, want to get started right away on a new exciting project, no time, ......and on and on!!!

So here are a couple of great recipes to help you get your day off to a good start.....and they are QUICK!!!! I PROMISE!!!!


1/2 cup crushed ice
6 oz or 8 oz container of fruit flavored yogurt
1/2 cup sliced fresh fruit of choice (I used fresh strawberries)
Place all ingredients in your blender. Press the PULSE button a couple of times to get the ice moving, then press BLEND for about 15 or 20 seconds, until all ingredients are mixed and smooth. Pour into a pretty glass with a straw, or into a travel container ready to take in the car. SMOOTH, REFRESHING, DELICIOUS!!!!
HINT: if you don't have crushed ice, place a few cubes in a baggie and release your frustrations with your meat mallot!

6 or 8 oz serving of vanilla non-fat yogurt
1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries ( or fresh fruit of choice
1/2 cup of whole grain breakfast cereal (with or without nuts)

Layer each ingredient in thirds in a lovely glass container (why not make it pretty? It doesn't take any longer!) Eat and enjoy a great day!!!


There you are - NO EXCUSES!!!! These take less than a minute to prepare, and one is even ready to go out the door with you!

Happy Breakfasting!!!